Quotes From "About Grace" By Anthony Doerr

Winkler's breath plumed up onto his glasses. The entire valley was enveloped in a huge, illuminated stillness. Above him the clouds had pulled away and the sky burned with stars. The meadow smoldered with light, and the spruce had become illuminated kingdoms, snow sifting from branch to branch. He thought: This has been here every winter all my life. Anthony Doerr
Did time move forward, through people, or did people move through it, like clouds across the sky? Anthony Doerr
Memory gallops, then checks up and veers unexpectedly; to memory, the order of occurrence is arbitary Anthony Doerr
The stars were so many and so white they looked like chips of ice, hammered through the fabric of the sky. Anthony Doerr
And the skies: in one day the sky could travel from green at dawn to a noon-time blue so severe it was almost black to hot silver in the afternoon to roiling burgundy at sunset. Just before night it flowered in yawning, imperial violets. Wedges of mauve, cauldrons of peach - skies more like drugs than colors. Anthony Doerr